Sunday 17 March 2013

Mini Report practice 1

The numbers of UAE houbara declined in the past due to two factors: first, the destruction of their natural habitat, caused by urban development, and, second, the trapping of the birds in order to train falcons to hunt them, as the houbara is not the natural prey of the falcon.

The International Fund for Houbara Conservation (IFHC) has bred more than 13,000 Asian Houbara chicks this year, exceeding expectations. Apart from two UAE breeding centres there is also one in Morocco and one in Kazakhstan. Plans to introduce the birds into the wild have to be balanced with the needs of falconers. The IFHC conducted surveys at the 2012 Abu Dhabi International Hunting & Equestrian Exhibition to get information on the correct balance needed. The exhibition, designed to represent Emirati culture and giving all visitors a chance to learn more about endangered animals, hunting equipment and locally-made items and to watch shows performed by Arab horses, camels and police dogs, attracted a worldwide audience.

164 words.

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